
Spirit is an animated short film inspired by the real life Mars rover. It's a reimagining of the rover's adventures on Mars as he drills for water. At times clumsy, prone to mishaps and hindered by setbacks, Spirit is undeterred in his quest on the red planet. It's a story of exploration and marvel for a strange new world, through the lens of a determined little rover that lives up to his namesake.

This blog is a bookmark of the project's development. It's slow progress as I'm working alone, but I love the character, cute little Spirit that he is, and I hope to share his story with you one day.

Maya | Renderman | Redshift | Nuke

March 6, 2018

Be careful, Spirit. Martian rocks are fragile.

This scene was fun to animate and light. I wish the rock would crumble in a better way, but my effects skills are weak.

February 24, 2018

You can see Earth from here.

I wonder what the milky way looks like from Mars. Painting the night skies took longer than anticipated. There's a tiny earth hidden in the background amongst the stars.